Regional Climate Change Adaptation Plan
Our Regional Climate Change Adaptation Plan was developed by regional partners with significant input from community, business, government, industry and academia over a two-year period. It was launched in December 2016.
The Plan reflects community values and identifies priority actions to reduce the vulnerability of those values to climate risks.
Thank you to everyone who contributed time and expertise to develop this plan. It is an important step in our region’s response to climate change.
Regional Climate Action Plan 2025-2030
Our Regional Climate Action Plan 2025-2030 (ReCAP) cements the purpose of our partnership - to connect, influence and deliver. It identifies five focus areas for us to concentrate our efforts:
Resilient and biodiverse landscapes;
Climate ready housing;
Community resilience;
Climate risk management; and
Telling the story.
The plan is evidence-driven, has been shaped by our partners, and provides a clear roadmap for action towards a more resilient Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu Peninsula and Kangaroo Island region.
This Backcast Report provides the background, context and physical evidence base to inform the Forecast. The Forecast includes significant stakeholder engagement and development of the new ReCAP to 2030.
Extensive stakeholder engagement was undertaken in mid 2024 to help develop the Plan. You can view the Engagement Report that helped inform the Plan.
As we move into our third Regional Climate Action Plan, we invite you to join us in taking positive and practical action on climate change.
Annual Report 2023-24
Our Annual Report 2023-24 reflects back on the year, our achievements, challenges and opportunities for the future. It shows the value of collaboration, and the importance of adapting together.
Highlights include:
launching our Homes for Tomorrow project, encouraging sustainable built homes, particularly in growth areas;
leading a successful statewide $1.7M funding bid for the Carbon Farming Outreach Program, to support farmers and land managers to reduce and store carbon emissions;
refreshing our brand and creating our first standalone website (thanks for visiting!);
winning the NGAA Partnerships & Building Connections Award (2023);
delivering the Sustainable Homes Expert Webinar series in collaboration with three other Regional Climate Partnerships regions; and
co-investing in the My Cool Home tool, to empower people to get climate ready at home.
Annual Progress Report 2021-22
The Regional Sector Agreement requires our Committee to produce an annual progress report for all signatories.
Highlights of the Annual Progress Report for 2021-22 include:
recipient of a $100,000 Preparing Australian Communities grant for our Bushfire & Biodiversity project. The purpose of this is to better understand the latest knowledge and best practice, and, map the next steps for the region to build balanced bushfire and biodiversity resilience (2022);
held two Climate Smart Farming Forums (2021 – 2022); and
secured funding to reinstate a RH&C Coordinator (December 2021).
Action Plan 2020-2025
In 2020, we evaluated our progress against our Adaptation Plan and refocused our efforts to where we can make the most impact.
Our priorities for action were:
Climate-ready development:
Leverage our leadership and networks to encourage residential and infrastructure development that avoids natural hazards, is built to maximise resilience, and is energy efficient and water sensitive.Climate risk reduction:
Support partners and communities to map, understand, plan for and adapt to climate risks, especially those arising from coastal, bushfire and urban heat hazards.Resilient agriculture:
Build on and spread regional best practice in enabling agriculture that is regenerative, water smart, resilient to a variable climate, and supports carbon farming as part of a zero emissions pathway.
This Action Plan was reviewed and endorsed on 8 April 2022.